• nihokaa@starlife.earth
  • +1-424-327-8401 OR +1-424-EARTH01
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How Can You Help?

Donate, partner, or volunteer to create a more dignified, independent life for Navajo families.

StarLife gathers resources for the Navajo Nation to build a joyful and thriving community. Through StarLife the physical, economic, mental and spiritual health of the people and land will be restored.

Text to Donate
Text starlife to 243725
Active Cause

Give to the Navajo Nation.

It only takes $4,500 for a Navajo household to receive reliable internet for three years. This connectivity can change the livelihood of families across the country. Help bridge the digital divide.

Broadband Internet
Created : March 4, 2021

Bring satellite internet connectivity to a family now.

With dependable internet, we can engage with the Navajo Nation culture, increase employment, ensure education for all, and improve mental health.

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