• nihokaa@starlife.earth
  • +1-424-327-8401 OR +1-424-EARTH01

Helping families across the United States.

About Us


We're a global non-profit charity organization, registered in the United States as a 501c3.

StarLife is a regenerative project providing stewardship across the Navajo Nation through community resilience, cultural revitalization, and economic development. When a reservation embodies these three, the people and land are sovereign and empowered. StarLife reinvigorates reservations by first providing internet access. This basic infrastructure allows the Navajo people to connect to each other and engage with modern innovation that greatly influences possibility. As StarLife evolves, we plan to fully merge an all-encompassing ecosystem to liven the souls and soil of the Navajo Nation.

What we do

Rebirth the Navajo Nation with a connective ecosystem.


Providing access to reliable internet, healthcare, food, and clean water.


Revitalizing language, arts, and tradition.


Stimulating jobs, survivability, and sustainable business.

Our Mission


We believe in prosperity for the Navajo Nation.

As the world rapidly evolves, the Navajo Nation is often left behind. In an effort to bring native heritage into the fold, StarLife provides resources to stimulate growth and wellness within each reservation, allowing their communities to thrive effortlessly.

Our strategic priorities are:

  • Provide reliable internet connectivity
  • Revitalize culture and nurture the elders
  • Stimulate business from outside and within